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Me llamo Atiqah y soy de Brunei. Aprendo espanol por que me gustan las canciones espanol, el idioma y la cultura. Queria mas practicar y saber para mas información sobre mundo hispano. ...

People respond so much better to requests when you add the word "please" in front of them. So if you're stuck in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, it's vital that you add "please" when necessary to ...

If for whatever reason you are marooned in a foreign, Spanish-speaking country, the key to your livelihood will be in how well you communicate. One of the most important Spanish phrases you need to le ...

Are you studying abroad in Spain? Then at one point or another you will find yourself in situation of saying either to your roommate or sexy hot fling that you're going to work. In that situation, che ...

Revealed! The secret to learning a language quickly. It's a little known technique diplomats and royalty have used for centuries. I lucked up on it by analyzing how I could quickly boost my language a ...

In this video, we learn how to use indirect objects & object pronouns in Spanish. When you have a noun that is coming after a pronoun, you will have to change the first word that comes after it. If yo ...

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak Spanish: Antes de / despues de + verb. If you want to say "I eat breakfast before I go to school" you will say "yo desayuno antes de ir a la escuela". You will ...

In this video, we learn how to use "gustar" to express likes and dislikes in Spanish. By practicing examples, you will be able to learn this concept easily. In English, you would say that you like som ...

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Antes de / DespuŽs de + verbs. When you say "antes de" this means before and "despues de" means after. Saying these in sentences can help describe doing s ...

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Present tense of -AR verbs (tu form). When you are speaking with "ar" verbs, you will have to change them depending on who you are talking about. You will ...